Of all the debt relief options available to debtors across the country, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is often one of the most utilized forms of debt relief. Because of the flexibility of Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and its ability to discharge nearly every consumer debt you have, it may be a perfect option for you. However, in order to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you must be under a certain threshold of income. That is why it’s important to contact a bankruptcy attorney in Loveland that can take a look at your financial situation, including your income, to see if Chapter 7 bankruptcy is right for you.

Are There Deadlines Throughout the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Process?

Much like any legal proceeding, Chapter 7 bankruptcy requires hard deadlines for various files to be submitted, and court dates that you must appear at. Because of the chaotic nature of your life, it can be easy to lose track of the mile markers throughout your bankruptcy process. Having a bankruptcy lawyer can give you peace of mind knowing you will always be organized and stay on track.

Can a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer Protect Me From Creditors?

One of the most frustrating and annoying aspects of bankruptcy and just being in debt, in general, is the constant phone calls from creditors asking for their debt to be paid. In many cases, these calls and inquiries can escalate to straight-up harassment. We can put an end to these calls through an automatic stay once you have filed for bankruptcy. If creditors continue to call you, we may be able to take legal action against them and possibly even recover damages for their violations of the protocols they must follow. Escaping the overwhelming nature of not only your debt but the relentless pursuit of creditors trying to collect their debts is just a phone call away. Call our law firm today to get started on your Chapter 7 bankruptcy process as soon as possible.

How Can a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer Make My Life Easier?

One of the most important duties a bankruptcy lawyer does for their clients is to simply make their lives easier. Facing family life, work-life, and juggling your needs and desires all at the same time can be incredibly stressful. Having to take on Chapter 7 bankruptcy on your own can be even more cumbersome. By seeking the help of Holland Law Office, you can take the first steps towards a liberating financial situation that can allow you and your family to start fresh. Schedule a free consultation with Holland Law Office by calling 970-232-3097 today.